Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a psychedelic experience without the use of any intoxicants?

Have you ever been curious about having a mystical experience and/or healing past traumas while being held in safe and supported way?

Heliotropic breathwork offers a safe and healthy alternative to ‘plant medicine’ and psychedelics through just the breath.

"Where in the world has that been all my life...and humbled by the mystery of it.
 For here was one of the forms of consciousness entirely different from the ordinary
and yet so close by -- separated from normal waking consciousness by -- what?

A handful of exhalations! "-Michael Pollan on Breathwork

Along with being legal and safer for the psyche (soul) than psychedelics, some facilitators are now indicating this type of breathwork helps to integrate previous altered states of consciousness induced by psychedelics in a way that psychedelics cannot.

Heliotropic breathwork offers you:

  • Connection to your Higher Self and inner healer

  • An opportunity to experience an altered state of consciousness

  • The ability to heal current ailments and past traumas

Heliotropic Breathwork invokes the concept of the Higher Self, one's inner healer and teacher. Called by many names in the ancient wisdom traditions the Higher Self, the Sun within, is the true healer and teacher.

Using evocative music and breathing the psyche (soul) enters a higher frequency and dimension of consciousness where true healing and transformation can take place. 

Currently we are witnessing the degradation of both the natural and human world as systems of the current paradigm continue to fail to promote a future in which this world can become a healthy and sustainable place.

It is now more important than ever to heal our self and become who we are meant to be in order for this world to become a healthy place.

Through Heliotropic breathwork and connecting to your higher self together we can begin to heal the world by healing ourselves.

Heliotropic Breathwork gives you the opportunity to fully express your self in a safe and sacred community while being held and witnessed by others.

After the day of breathwork you will receive transformational practices and support to help you integrate your experience so that your healing can continue to unfold.

“The Ultimate Identity of the individual with the Divine is the deepest secret that represents the mystical core of all great spiritual traditions… Holotropic [Heliotropic] Experiences have the potential to help us discover our true identity and cosmic status.” -Stan Grof

  • I am the founder of Metolius Basin Institute. I am here to help this world become a more whole, healed, wise and free place through offering transformational education and healing modalities to help humans become their true selves and live the life they are meant live.

    I believe through discovering one’s purpose and delivering the gifts they are here to deliver while reconnecting/remembering who they are originally intended to be will help make this world a better place.

    Throughout my own personal journey of experiencing periods of grief to moments of awe I pursued a masters degree in human development and ecopsychology. While enrolled in the masters program I also became certified Nature-Connected Life Coach and Transformational Wilderness Guide.

    This has allowed me to guide others through their own personal transformation.

    After a handful of trips trekking and guiding in the Himalaya I decided to enroll in a Tantra Yoga teacher training program. After a month at the ashram in Kathmandu valley I continue to embrace more of a yogic lifestyle.

    I have always been interested in using my hands so I studied and became a Reiki level 1 and 2 practitioner. Through practicing Reiki I am humbled and happy to be an instrument for the universal energy to flow through me to help alleviate what ails one who is in pain.

    Most recently I became a Heliotropic Breathwork facilitator. Heliotropic breathwork is one of the most amazing healing modalities I have come across to offer for others. It gives people the chance to experience an altered state of consciousness while healing their past wounds and traumas. Depending on where one is in their journey a participant may experience a mystical state where they find themselves in the celestial/heavenly realms.

    In addition to offering transformational education and healing modalities my background consists of leading, guiding and instructing people in the wilderness. I have worked for schools, guide companies and conservation corps programs accumulating nearly 1,000 days of professionally working with a diverse population of people out in the woods.

    I am the founder of Metolius Basin Institute. I understand and know what it feels like to live a life that is out of alignment with your true self.

    It started when I found myself in a relationship that did not serve me yet I was committed to it while suffering the consequences of not following what my soul desired.

    The truth was I wasn't quite sure who I was or what I needed in order to be in alignment with my soul's original intent.

    When I found myself in that relationship/situation I faced difficulties daily. The universe took all of the opportunities it could to mirror back to me my lack of alignment with my true self. The struggles were reflected in my dreams, chronic body aches/pains and the “Characters” unfolding in my daily drama along with stress and bouts of depression. My suffering made me feel as though I was off course and offending the gods/goddesses.

    I had fallen into the trap of being conditioned and influenced by family and society while deviating from who I truly was and my own unique path. I gravitated towards the ‘security’ of what I thought or perceived relationships and jobs could offer while learning later the only sense of security we have is a false sense of one. When I learned that I was taken back and eventually that particular relationship ended.

    Through my own grief process and my journey towards wholeness I discovered tools and practices along the way that helped me align with my true self. By pursuing a masters in ecopsychology/human development and becoming a Nature-Connected Coach/Transformational Wilderness Guide I learned how to create a safe container to assist clients in discovering their own truth while navigating their issues.

    I transformed my wound of loss/grief into a gift by founding Metolius Basin Institute with a vision of helping others on their own healing journeys while now equipped with empathy, wisdom and practical tools. I am here to offer transformational education so people can discover who they really are and what they are meant to offer in this life. It is not learning something new about ourselves but rather (re)membering who we were originally intended to be.

    Some of my biggest influences include the answers I have received from wandering in nature, paying attention to my dreams and studying Shamanic Astrology. One of my biggest epiphanies is that the universe has the ability to reflect back to us our current situation or whatever we may be experiencing in life. By being present and paying attention to the signs around us we have the opportunity to gain a lot of wisdom and insight.

    When I am not coaching or facilitating people’s transformation in a formal setting I am working seasonally as a backpack guide. I have accumulated nearly 1000 days of professionally guiding individuals through the mountains and deserts of the western U.S. and internationally in Patagonia and Nepal.


When: February 28th - March 1st

Friday Feb. 28th 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Saturday March 1st 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Where: Camp Sherman Community Hall

13025 Metolius River Camp Sherman, Camp Sherman, OR 97730

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February 28th: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Introduction to Heliotropic Breathwork

March 1st: 8:00 a.m. Meet and prepare

8:30 a.m. - 11:30 morning breathwork session

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. lunch and nature time

1:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. afternoon breathwork session

4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. dinner and nature time

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. sharing and integration


As this is the first Heliotropic Breathwork retreat offered by Metolius Basin Institute it will be offered at a discounted rate of $175.

If this is outside of your financial capabilities please email peteblau@metoliusbasininstitute.com so we can figure out an alternative solution.

In honor of the Heliotropic Breathwork tradition no one will be turned away due to lack of funds.